Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Apple memory prices

I bought a base model Mac mini to give OS X a whirl for a while.  Now the base model comes with 2GB which really isn't enough even for general use like web browsing while listening to music, etc.  I decided i would upgrade it to 8GB because I will probably run some VMs.

So you have a few choices if you want to add more RAM.  Order a mini with upgraded RAM from Apple.  The upcharge is $300,  purchase RAM after the fact from Apple for $400, or buy the RAM from one of the many popular online merchants for about $45.  Yes that is right,  Apple charges ... wait let me restate that, Apple gouges unwitting customers for TEN TIMES the amount you can buy it on the market.  Come on Apple, Steve isn't saving up for a liver transplant anymore.  Those prices are just ridiculous.

I went with some G.SKILL 8GB (2 x 4GB) for $39.99 with free 2 day shipping as well as a free 4GB MicroSD card w/ SD adapter.  Not too shabby.  The mini definitely likes the extra RAM.  Oh BTW, the stock RAM was made by Samsung and I doubt anything special.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Refracto for the new year

Well it looks like the new year is going to start off pretty good with a decent cold front pushing a refraction swell.  Of course I'm back at work so I will be lucky if I can catch some after work.